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In The News 

Press Announcements


Electronic Press Kit


In The News 

Will California's Red Tape Block a Vital Infrastructure Upgrade?

National Review

Details of Mojave Inland Port shared

Desert News


Residents question Mojave port plans

Antelope Valley Press


Inland Empire as warehouse hub: Is the era ending?



Virgin Galactic expands Mojave base with amended lease



Mojave Inland Port aims to speed up seaport freight flows



Inland port will bring new jobs, investment to Kern



Moto News


Kern County approves 3 million TEU Mojave Inland Port



One step closer to achieving Mojave inland port

Nevada News


California's first 'inland port' to be built in Kern County


Plans to build a "dry port" in the Mojave Desert gets backing of Kern County Board of Supervisors




Kern Sol News


Mojave Inland Port to break ground in 2022 – Mojave to be site of California’s first inland dry port

The News Review


Plans advance for Mojave Inland Port, first of its kind in California


Inland Port Planned for Mojave Desert



Board greenlights 3 million TEU Mojave Inland Port

Port Technology


Proposed Inland Port in the Mojave Desert Could Help Unsnarl Nation’s Top Port Complex



Plans made for inland port at Mojave Air and Space Port

Aerotech News


California's First Inland Port Approved in Mojave Desert

Globe St


Mojave Inland Port aims to speed up seaport freight flows

Freight Waves


Mojave one step closer to getting inland port

Kern Valley Sun


Plan for inland port in the middle of California’s Mojave Desert gains traction

Supply Chain Dive


Mojave set to achieve inland port designation

Antelope Valley Press


Pioneer Partners’ Mojave Inland Port Will Alleviate Supply Chain Issues, Create New Jobs, and Boost Local and State Economies

Business Wire


Calif.’s First Dry Port Aims to Alleviate Supply Chain Issues

Railway Age


Mojave Inland Port, meant to help supply chain shortage, moves to next step

Bakersfield Now


Pioneer Partners’ Mojave Inland Port Will Alleviate Supply Chain Issues, Create New Jobs, and Boost Local and State Economies



State’s first inland port is coming to Kern County to alleviate San Pedro Bay port congestion

Long Beach Business Journal


Mojave one step closer to getting inland port

Desert News


Developers advance plans for California’s first inland port

Progressive Railroading


Desert “port” planned to relieve San Pedro Bay congestion



California inland port project designed to speed seaport cargo flow

Journal of Commerce


New intermodal terminal to serve LA/Long Beach announced   

World Cargo News


New US inland port to ease supply chain congestion

Just Style


Key Warehouse Centers Challenge Distribution Center Expansion



Read the most recent announcements and news stories on the Pioneer Mojave Inland Port and other relevant logistics and supply chain issues.

Media Contact:

Denise Lopez


  • Who are Pioneer Partners?
    Pioneer Partners is a private holding company established in Nevada with headquarters in Texas that has been in business for 22 years.
  • Is Pioneer Partners working with other investors in the Mojave Inland Port?
    No. Pioneer Partners owns the proposed inland port property in Mojave and has held this land directly since 2000 and indirectly since 1991.
  • Does Pioneer Partners have a history of leading the development of large-scale economic development projects?
    Its principals have over 40 years of experience in distribution infrastructure, industrial manufacturing, and large-scale land development.
  • Does the Mojave Inland Port project rely on public money?
    From inception through approval, this has remained a project funded by private investment. It will continue to maintain this unless a mutually beneficial public-private partnership arises. This effort is 100% privately funded and not dependent on public money.
  • What is an inland port and how does it differ from a seaport?
    An inland port serves as an intermodal cargo hub that may or may not be connected to the sea. With growing freight transportation needs and lack of available portside land, inland ports are becoming direct extensions of seaports.
  • Why did Pioneer Partners decide to locate this inland port in Mojave?
    Because Mojave makes the most sense - besides being the only large tract of land in short reach (90 miles) of California’s twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, this location is 1) directly served by rail; 2) immediately adjacent to a 24/7 airport with a 12,500-foot heavy-lift aircraft runway; 3) already zoned and approved; 4) served by two major California highways; 5) within reasonable reach by truck and rail of every city in the US West and anywhere by air; and 6) big enough (±402 acres) to accommodate the handling of substantial container volume.
  • How will goods/containers be received and distributed to and from the Mojave Inland Port?
    Incoming containers will be offloaded from ships onto shuttle trains for direct transport through the under-used Alameda Corridor to Mojave, just three hours away, where they will be deconsolidated and distributed.
  • What is the expected annual capacity of the Mojave Inland Port?
    The port will help alleviate supply chain congestion by handling up to 3 million containers annually.
  • What is the practical impact of the Mojave Inland Port?
    This port will significantly decongest the San Pedro Bay Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles and bring much-needed relief to an overburdened supply chain.
  • What is the economic benefit of the Mojave Inland Port?
    The Mojave Inland Port will have a positive economic benefit of over $500 million dollars to the state of California, create nearly 3,000 well-paying new jobs, (many of which are union jobs) generate nearly $300 million in labor income, and add nearly $80 million in tax revenues to Kern and Los Angeles Counties.
  • Who will the Mojave Inland Port serve?
    The primary customers of the port are technically referred to as beneficial cargo owners (BCOs), but are more commonly known as large distribution/retail companies like Amazon, Costco, Walmart, IKEA, Home Depot, and Lowes, etc.
  • With such a large project, are there environmental impacts?
    The Mojave Inland Port will have a much lower impact on air quality, than the current method of handling freight containers in the Los Angeles Basin. For example, once the port is operational, this will lead to the removal of thousands of trucks from the 710 Corridor, significantly reducing pollution from adjacent neighborhoods, many with vulnerable populations.

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